Conversação Livre
O Curso de Conversação Livre é para quem quer…
- Manter contato com o idioma
- Aumentar o Vocabulário
- Aprimorar a Fluência
- Rever conteúdos esquecidos e não ativos na fala
- Melhorar a Pronúncia
Os temas abordados são programados de acordo com sua preferência e necessidade.
Pré-requisito: Ter Nível B2 ou acima
Carga Horário: a sua escolha
Duração: mínima de 20 horas
Material Didático: próprio e personalizado
Pronunciation Work Out.
- How to use intonation so that it does not interfer in communication
- How to produce some sounds to put your message across clearly and accurately
- How the human speech works
- How to stress words, phrases and sentences
Real English
There is no better way other than learning from the “real thing”.
Here all the lessons are based on authentic material created for you based on your interest or need.
- Movies, TV shows, documentaries, news and all that involves video or film productions.
- Songs and podcasts
- Authentic articles and books.
- Language Apps and Games
Fluency Work Out
What is fluency?
It’s the ability to speak or write a foreign language easily and accurately!
Not an easy task!
- How to build fluency
- What involves being fluent
- What you can do to become fluent
- Tips to improve your fluency
Vocabulary Building
When you get to an intermediate level it seems as if you stop learning words. You tend to use the usual and basic words and phrases you have learned as you can put your message across. However, you must be aware that no one ever stops learning and it is not possible to know all the words used in a language. So it is very important to be able not only to understand what people say, but also use more “advanced” words when an occasion ‘pops up’.
- Memory techniques
- Most frequent words used
- New Slangs and Idiomatic Expressions
- Phrasal verbs
- How to use words in different contexts
Grammar Use
Knowing grammar rules take people to a land far away where they feel complety lost! However, learning how words are put together to form a meaningful and communicative structure is something one has to consider.
People don’t use ‘grammar rules’ to communicate, but they do need to learn how to use the words accuratelly and properly so they sound fluent.
- To USE the structure
- The parts of structure that are used all the time
- Formal and Informal English
- The parts that are NOT used colloquially
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes